Swapnil Joshi, Trupti Patil and Manjusha Paithankar

Swapnil Joshi’s ‘Aatmasanman’ encourages women to become entrepreneurs!

Aimed at their empowerment Atmasanman gives women an opportunity to market their products and become an entrepreneur, Swapnil Joshi launched ‘Aatmasanman’ on Women’s Day. Inspired by Vocal for Local, the platform to cater women from Maharashtra and Goa

Aatmasanman, a multi-seller and multi-vender platform initiated for the empowerment of the women from Maharashtra and Goa was launched on March 8, 2021 on the occasion of the World Women’s Day. Spearheaded by well-known actor Swapnil Joshi, Trupti Patil and leading entrepreneur Manjusha Paithankar, the project gives women from all walks of life an opportunity to try their hand in the field of entrepreneurship with this lucrative online platform. The women need to have only concept, hard work and zeal, but nothing else, to become a successful entrepreneur by joining this platform.
Swapnil Joshi and Trupti Patil had been operating ‘Shop WithTi’for quite some time with the aim of women empowerment. Manjusha Pathankar has now joined them to expand the canvas of ‘Shop With Ti’ throughAatmasanman. The objective of this platform is to encourage women to trade, become an entrepreneur and to give a new more extensive platform if they are already into the trade with their existing products.Any woman with the desire to join the platform does not need to have her own product, or the seed capital to begin the trade or even the idea to begin with on the platform. Aatmasanman will take care of all these aspects. The women need only to be ready for hard work, spare time and desire to grow.
The entire project is based on Central government’s Vocal For Local concept coined by honourable prime minister Narendra Modi. This is an ideal marketing platform for the women who want to sell their products or who do not have their own products but want to enter into trade and business. They should not worry about the seed capital to begin the business as Aatmasanman shoulders one for them. If the product already exists, the project will check their quality control before the product is put up for the sale on the platform. Aatmasanman also takes care of taking pictures of the product to upload them on the platform. It also helps the women in learning the internet and language for effective trade practices.
“I have always believed that developing entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial skills benefits society as a whole, particularly when the entrepreneurs are women. Trupti and I started ‘Shop WithTi’ (SWT) together because we share these same values. ‘SWT’ is also a way for me to express my gratitude to all of my female fans who have helped me become who I am today,” says Swwapnil Joshi.
“SWT’s overwhelming response in such a short period of time has been my reward! And now that we have Manjusha.Paithankar, I call her Tai,on board, we will be able to use her experience and guidance to propel SWT to newer heights. It gives me great pleasure and honour to join hands with someone of her stature who shares a similar dream,” he added.
The project maintains full transparency as far as the payments are concerned. The women entrepreneurs joining the platform need to provide their KYC documents, Udyog Aadhar, GST number, FSSAI licence and other documents related to their products. The Aatmasanman will also need the bank details for the monetary transactions. The participants will have to pay no money for the registration as of now.
Manjusha Paithankar, Founder and Managing Director of Imperative Business Ventures Private Limited, has said that she is delighted to join hands for Aatmasanman. “Women from all walks of life have been shouldering the responsibility of their loved one and also the household for centuries. Their capabilities on this front have no match. An entrepreneur in them while complying with these responsibilities has helped them achieve the success. To enable them to explore the enterprising values in them, we have come up with the e-Commerce portal Aatmasanman which will prove to be a platform of their own. The prime objective behind the initiative is the empowerment of the women joining hands with it,”
“During the journey, I met Swapnil Joshi and Trupti Patil, co-founders of Shop WithTi, only to realise that both the entities have the same vigour and passion. We then decided to join hands to take the cause forward. I am confident that achieving the aim of women empowerment together would now be easier for us,” she added.
Trupti Patil said, “Swwapnil and Iboth wanted to start a business that would serve as a great market forum for both aspiring and established female entrepreneurs, at least in Maharashtra. As destiny would have it, over a regular cup of tea and chat, we discovered that we shared the same dream, and that’s how Shop with Ti was born! It’s a project that is extremely close to our hearts. And it gives us great pleasure that a name like Mrs.Manjusha.Paithankar, an uber successful woman entrepreneur herself, has now joined hands with us. Together we will be able to take Shop with Ti to a newer zenith in the form of Aatmasanman.”
To join hands with Aatmasanman and for more information and registration, women entrepreneurs can contact on 8767663634.

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