SS2’s host Aditya Narayan to sponsor Martyr Sepoy Kundan Ojha’s daughter Diksha’s education!

#Spreading the #patrioticfervor this #Sunday will be #SonyEntertainmentTelevision’s #homegrownkids #singingrealityshow, ‘#SuperstarSinger2’. On the #occasion of the #75thanniversary of #IndianIndependence, the #show will #commemorate this #grandcelebration with much #gusto as the … Read More

Watch ‘Tadbeer’, ‘State vs Malti Mhaske’, ‘Final Solutions’ and ‘Shobha Yatra’ to mark 75 years of India’s Independence!

  #ZeeTheatre #presents a few #thought-provoking and #entertainingteleplays to mark the #specialoccasion of #IndependenceDay and to #celebratethespiritofIndia. On the #75thanniversary of #IndianIndependence, as we grow #introspective about our #journey as … Read More

Mahindra Group published the findings of the ‘Mahindra Good Business Study’

The Mahindra Group today published the findings of the ‘Mahindra Good Business Study’, outlining revealing people’s changing definition of what a ‘Good Business’ actually means. The study, involving over 2,000 … Read More