‘O Mehrbaan’, written by Qaseem Haidar Qaseem, composed by Nitesh Tiwari, set to mesmerize audiences!

Bollywood’s acclaimed music composer and director #NiteshTiwari is set to mesmerize audiences with his upcoming sufi-romantic track, O Mehrbaan. Featuring heartfelt lyrics by #QaseemHaidarQaseem, the song promises to be an … Read More

On World Environment Day, Tele-Celebs share and suggest how we all can do our bit for a healthier tomorrow!

Restoring peace and harmony in the natural world by reducing pollution, stopping deforestation or any sort of exploitation of natural resources etc can create a healthy environment. #WorldEnvironmentDay on June … Read More

On World Earth Day ‘these’ tele-celebs say, ‘Let’s go eco-friendly’!

#PriyamvadaKant, #NikkieyChawla, #NitinKumarGupta, #PritamSingh, #NibeditaaPal, #AniruddhDave, #AmitMishra, #RohitChoudhary, #AshishJohri, #PrajwalGupta say ‘Let’s go eco-friendly’. More than anything else this devastating pandemic has taught us the importance of respecting and taking … Read More