‘Lost’ opens to outstanding praise and immense love at IFFI’s Asian Premiere Gala!

  #ZEEStudios and #NamahPictures’ #‘LOST’ opened to #greatappreciation at the coveted #InternationalFilmFestivalofIndia (IFFI). After the film received an inspiring response at several renowned film festivals like #ChicagoSouthAsianFilmFestival and the #AtlantaIndianFilmFestival, … Read More

Zee Studios, Namah Pictures, Aniruddha Roy Chowdhury and Yami Gautam, come together for ano ther fascinating tale, ‘LOST’!

After the success of the National-Award Winning Film, #AnandiGopal, #ZeeStudios, and #NamahPictures are back with a new collaboration with a new age director leading it. Director #AniruddhaRoyChowdhury, best known for … Read More