We Will Never Know How Many People Died Of Starvation: State Government Will Not Admit To Starvation Deaths

New Delhi: The war against COVID-19 and its social and economic consequences is being led by the Central and state governments and we the people are mere followers. But as … Read More

Universal Weekly Testing: Lockdown Exit Strategy Could Create ‘Islands of Normalcy’ In Industry Hubs By Antigen Tests

New Delhi: To end an extended lockdown in Britain, a group of public health experts have mooted an exit policy which could also be tweaked to kickstart industrial activities inside … Read More

The Truth Behind Arnab Goswami attack Video Uploaded Before The Attack: Discrepancies In The Timing As Seen In Meta-Data

Mumbai: In a shocking incident late last night, Republic TV Editor-in-Chief and TV editor/anchor Arnab Goswami was attacked by two bike-borne goons, who reportedly claimed to be Congress youth workers. … Read More

China Exports Faulty Covid-19 Rapid Test Kits To India: ‘Stop Using’, Says ICMR

New Delhi: China made rapid testing kits for detecting Covid-19 have failed to give authentic results. The development has come as another embarrassment for China as the country has already … Read More