On Superstar Singer 2’s ‘independence day special ’, feeling of patriotism will be at its fullest!

This #Sunday, #viewers are in for an #excitingweekend #viewing with #SonyEntertainmentTelevision’s #homegrownkids #singingrealityshow, #SuperstarSinger2! On the #occasion of the 75th #anniversary of #IndianIndependence, the #show will #commemorate this #grandcelebration with … Read More

The Fake Patriotism Pulpit: How People Were Turned Into A Nation Of ‘Elated’ Suckers Before The Polls.

“Raj Thackeray” The Nation Only Six Sense Leader To Point Out On Pulwama Terror Attacks. Mumbai: How we were turned into a nation of elated suckers Chats suggest that Pulwama massacre … Read More