Teke-Celebrities share their take on King Khan’s ‘Pathaan’!

Shah Rukh Khan is coming back to the silver screens after four years with Pathaan. Here is how these celebrities feel the film will perform.

Sonu Chandrapal : I am sure Pathaan will be a blockbuster and whenever he comes with a film it has a lot of elements, with so much perfection. It’s been a long time since Bollywood has had anything good to watch, I am very happy and will surely watch this film in theatres.

Nikhil Nanda : I think what has changed over the years is that Shah Rukh Khan has been a big star in the early 90s and 2000 but Bollywood has evolved in the last couple of years and stardom is no longer the way it used to be. OTT has changed all of it. So, I think if the movie is good, if the content is good, it’s going to do good. If not, we will be continuing with the phase of movies not doing well. However, the statement of Shri Narendra Modi ji is going to help the film a lot where he has asked the political fraternity to refrain from making comments on films and film personalities.

Kate Sharma : Pathaan trailer seems mind blowing and SRK’s look is damn killing. The songs they have shot are also appealing. I think fans are damn excited, after seeing the trailer and level of promotions they are doing it seems to be the biggest Bollywood film this year. So, I hope it will break all theatre records. I am so excited I am gonna go watch myself in theatres. Cheers to Pathaan.

Priya Paramita Paul : Shah Rukh Khan is my favourite and we have all watched his films growing up. He looks really hot in Pathaan. I am excited to watch him on the silver screen. It’s been a long time since I have seen his films which were super hits. The last film was Raees, which did a fair job. There was another film Dilwale which did fairly well. Unfortunately, I don’t see this film doing that well but I will be happy seeing Shah Rukh Khan on the screen.

Nivedita Basu : I have loved Shah Rukh Khan since Fauji days and don’t think there is anyone who’s an 80s kid who won’t drool over him. I’m going for the first day of the first show to Gaiety Galaxy so you can see my excitement here for the film.

Aniruddh Dave : Shah Rukh Khan rules over a million hearts. He’s a charmer and I must say that he has the next level of fan following and madness all over. I’m excited as Bollywood and our beloved cinema is coming back

Mitaali Nag : It’s one of the biggest days for SRK fans as he is coming back on the silver screen after four years. I am sure all his fans have desperately waited for Pathaan. I hope the movie lives up to the hopes of the fans and creates a record!

Akashdeep Sabir : I saw the film before commenting. Never seen such hysteria whistle and clap. Full on hi octane masala entertainer. SRK is looking the best I have ever seen. It’s a big big blockbuster. And for all those who fought with me over its boycott, now what guys? King Khan rules.

Subuhii Joshii : I don’t know about reviving Bollywood but I think it has done wonders as I watched it on the first day itself. It has broken the dry spell, it’s SRK and had no doubt to watch.

Keerti Kadam.