Tele-Celebs echo in unison on Hathras gang-rape case: “Hang them”

The Hathras gang rape case shook the whole nation. The brutal torture and pain that Manisha went through is unimaginable. This is not the first time. A 19 year-old in Balrampur was raped and sent home on a rickshaw with a glucose drip in her hand. Members of the entertainment industry share their views on the state of the country and come up with ways to make sure that justice is served to the victims.

No one, even in their worst nightmare, could imagine what the rape victims go through, not only from the physical perspective but also mentally. In the Nirbhaya case, justice was served but did the decision come very late?

Nishant Singh Malkhani- The Hathras gang rape case has really disturbed me. I really hope and pray that the accused are punished with the same brutality as the crime that they committed. A girl is forced against her will to the extent that she dies, this is what rape is and it must be dealt with very seriously. The victim and her family need justice quickly, not like the Nirbhaya case which took so long. Rapes happen all over the country and these animals have not even spared babies. I feel that rapists must be given the harshest of punishments. The time has come for us, as a country, to stand up against these crimes. Women need to be respected, they cannot be treated as commodities

Bhavesh Kumar- We haven’t set an example of these cases and some people take them lightly. It is a shame that after so many judgements, people still have this kind of mindset. I think Saudi Arabia and other Saudi countries have much a more cruel law for a rapist. if you see a video of Yemen, a rapist is shot dead within 5 min of his arrest but I think that proper Investigation is also necessary because we need to know the whole truth as sometimes there can be fake accusations.

Vijayendra Kumeria- It breaks my heart whenever I get to know about any such instance where a woman’s safety has been compromised. It’s high time that proper measures are taken to stop the occurrence of such instances. Such monstrous acts should stop. The trials should be definitely be fast-tracked and the sentence should be nothing less than the death penalty for these insane criminals, once convicted there should be no mercy for their inhuman crime.

Saanand Verma- People who think bad about women are the people who you should be ashamed of being human. They are stains on our society and it is necessary to remove all these stains. These types of rapists and bad people shouldn’t be left free as they will be very dangerous for our sisters, daughters and for every woman out there. Our problem is that whenever this type of horrible incidents happen, we do a candle march, and we talk about many things related to this. But then nothing happens. Yes, the government has made little changes in rules and now the rules are in the favour of women which is very good. But we should be more sensitive towards this topic and we should follow all the government laws so that all these victims get justice.

Dhruvee Haldankar- Justice delayed is justice denied. The Nirbhya case took 7 years for punishment and her mother went through mental imprisonment, fighting all alone. I feel in this country with a population of 140 crores, the youth is influenced easily. Committing a crime is easier than getting punished so people don’t care. Also, thanks to the corruption that exists, it is very difficult to prove facts.

Shivani Gosain- It is so painful to even of the pain that girl must have gone through and how painful and unbearable it is for the family to bear this loss. This was not the first rape and it won’t be the last, because there is no fear of the law!  There are so many loopholes in our legal system and delay (like the Nirbhaya case). Our government should set an example by making this a fast-track case and sentencing severe punishment to the criminals on an urgent basis. Punish them such a way that no one should ever dare to think of rape. There is no mercy for such a heinous crime..

Sharad Malhotra- Rape is a crime of violence and sex has always been a matter of great concern, not only in our country but worldwide ..The Nirbhaya case shook the entire nation but has yet not stopped monsters or evil people like these who disrespect women and treat them like they own them. There is a lot of rage and fury amongst the citizens of the country but it is all futile till the govt or the judiciary system takes strict action against such inhumane/evil acts and punishes them severely and quickly, so it could set an example for the others. I strongly condemn rape. Movements such as #Slutmovement or #metoo has also helped people share their own experiences, stories with others making them aware and cautious too.

Shashank Vyas- Let the women of the nation decide what they want to do with these monsters. There should be no trials, no courts, no laws. This is Kalyug, Krishna bhi hum, Arjun bhi hum. We need to take a step now towards stopping such crimes.

Shamin Mannan- It’s sad that no government in power has taken women safety seriously enough. Rape is a hideous and inhuman crime and such cases must be fast-tracked, sentencing severe punishment to the criminals. That would instil fear in the minds of such monsters. The government should start by setting an example and punishing such culprits severely and quickly, otherwise, such incidents will keep repeating. Only because someone belongs to an underprivileged family or wears short dresses, doesn’t mean she can be raped or killed brutally. Moreover, rape has nothing to do with the outfit of a woman, or age, because every other day a woman is getting raped from as young as 3 years old to 70 years old. I see people losing faith in the system now, which itself is unfortunate.  Just promising judgement or announcing compensation is not enough now! There must be a strict law for the safety of every girl of our country, which could assure her that even if she walks out alone at night, she will be safe and protected. Also, it’s time the root cause of this problem should be given importance to, that is the misogynistic and patriarchal thought process of people in our country. The thought process of people should change. Period!

Savi Thakur- I feel so ashamed sometimes to be part of such country where such kind of incidents happen every day. But the law is still the same … I want to ask why??? Why can’t you just change it and hang the rapists? It’s not going to stop until the government releases new laws about the punishment of rapists. If you have a look at other countries for the same matter then it’s very clear how they hang the culprits without even thinking twice. I think this should be applied in our country as well. I feel ashamed to say this but this country will never progress until the laws are not fixed.

Aishwarya Sharma- There is a lot to say but i wish I could do something about it. I don’t know why this keeps happening in our country, I can’t even imagine what the victim has gone through. This is a very sad reality and the government should take immediate action about it.  The problem with groups who deal with rape is that they try to educate women about how to defend themselves. What really needs to be done is teaching the men not to rape. Go to the source and start there.

Pranitaa Pandit- I feel that the government should actually set an example by making this a fast track case and severely punishing the culprits. Justice is always delayed in our country and that is why people take these things for granted, especially in rape cases. Our government has taken a few steps in the past few years but I still feel that there is a lot of scope to improve. We should really step up the process and fast track the cases so that these kinds of people actually start fearing the law before doing such horrible things.

Khushbhoo  Kamal- This very shameful for the people who are living in India. We are in the 21st century but still we are at this stage where our girls are not free to go anywhere. Our country has fought for freedom but still, the women are not free. My first question is to our government…I want to know what are they doing. I feel they should shoot culprit on the spot as they did in the Hyderabad case. The supreme court should grand permission of for this encounter. We have to set strict rules for these kinds of uneducated people so that they will be afraid of doing this again. We don’t have any kind of freedom in India. Encounter is the only solution to stop all this.

Ajay Chaudhary- This is very disturbing as always because this is not for the first time that such a thing is happening. In India, every month something or the other is happening. There should be some strict laws so that there should fear in people’s mind. This is not going to stop. My father was in the army and my brother is still in the army, their whole life is dedicated to the nation.

Ansh Bagri– It is very sad thing that these types of things have become regular in our country. We don’t take any action and our system is busy with other things. I think we all should be united and the culprits should get such a severe punishment so that no one would think of doing such things. The Nirbhaya case happened so many years back yet only now they have got justice. This is not right at all. I don’t know why they delay judgement on such sensitive topics In this situation, they should be hanged till death.

Subuhii Joshii- I am out of words after this incident. When the Nirbhaya case happened, that time also people did candle marches and protested but it took so long to get justice. I think this the responsibility of our government, why do they take so much just to solve these cases. There should be a fast track court where these culprits are punished. Why do we need to wait? They should be hanged till death. This is the only thing they deserve. This will set an example. And if you can’t do this, then handover the culprit to victim’s parents and let them decide what to do.

Mou Das– Rape is the most heinous crimes on earth and it happens every few minutes, forget about the figures that come out in surveys. It’s often said that it is important to teach girls self-defence and men to respect women. I think all these teachings aren’t the way out. Rapists are sick. Every time this happens and everyone says that some strict laws should be implemented to punish the criminals. Yes, even I agree with that. The law against rape should be so stern that people fear it.

Definitely, people committing this crime do not fear the law because they know that even after they are caught, there is no such punishment. After this Hathras brutality and the way the case is being covered up, it is shameful.

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