Tele-Celebs say women should be celebrated every day

International Women’s Day is all about the celebration of her strength and importance of her existence. Amid the growing violence against women and female feticide still being a reality, March 8 signifies a lot more than just being a date in the calendar that comes every year. Actors talk about the significance of the day and why women need to be celebrated every day:

Zaan Khan
Every day is Women’s Day. My mom is my role model. The sacrifices she has made for us, her love and care has been the driving force in our lives. I think we all would say the same for our mothers. Whatever I have learnt, I have learnt it from my mom. She has taught me how to behave, do good, respect women, stay grounded and true to my work. If you are no respectful and loyal towards the women in your life, you are surely not in the right track
Saurabh Kaushik
According to me only one day is not enough to celebrate women kind, they must be loved and cared for all 365 days. Women are no less than men, is something we all need to accept and move on. Women are everywhere. While at home she is keeping everything moving, she is capable of conquering the world. We can never deny their contributions and achievements. A woman wears several hats with élan. So whatever you celebrate on Women’s Day, make it a practice for rest of the year.

Shireen Mirza
March 8 is important to acknowledge and make people aware about Women’s rights, gender equality and freedom of speech and expression. But I feel no particular day is required to celebrate women kind. Respect and admire the women in your lives, help them, support them but don’t pity them or stop them from achieving their dreams. March 8 is just another day to remind body shaming a woman, violating her emotionally or physically doesn’t make any man superior.

Farnaz Shetty
International Women’s Day reminds me of how beautiful it is to be a woman and my responsibilities for taking the privilege forward with grace. We don’t need your pity, we need equal right and support. We want to step out any time of the day work anywhere without thinking sometime wrong might happen to us. We want freedom from all the society made shackles that bind us. Give us what we rightfully deserve, just celebrating a day isn’t enough.

Shaukat Shaikh
Women have super powers. They can run the home and rule the world with equal finesse. International Women’s Day is a good reminder of the value and importance of women in our lives. They need us by their side, love and respect them.

 Amit Sarin
These days are manmade, but in reality we should value women throughout the year and forever. So a day as such is not needed as we live with women every day in the form of mother, sister, wife and friends. Make them feel important, loved every moment. Respect and nurture their dreams and this world would become a better place.

Kettan Singh
I can’t think of life without my mom. She is my inspiration. Having a day to celebrate the women in our lives and in the world is good. But the kind of work and what they are doing every moment to change our lives, I think they should be made special every minute.

 Meera Deosthale
I’m a woman, for me every day is Women’s Day. But let’s make this clear. I day is not about saying women are best and men are the worse. It’s about highlighting how men and women are equal. We need your love but waiting for you to save us. Just stand by us and believe in our worth. There’s nothing that a woman can’t do.

Srishti Jain
International Women’s Day leads to many talking about the importance of women in this world and makes many aware of their importance. It’s hard to believe that people still needs to be taught to love and respect women. Remember, if can’t respect your women, you deserve the respect back. So love them always and today you can just pamper them a little more.

Adaa Khan
Woman is an epitome of strength and patience. We all know the importance of women in this world but some people needs to be told from time to time about it. Hence having a day dedicated to women is a good idea to remind everyone to acknowledge and value the women in their lives.

Ajay Kumar Singh
This world is incomplete with women, so a day dedicated to them is the least we could do to express our love and respect. We need to celebrate women, their strength and capabilities every day of our lives. From making sure her home is taken care of to getting things done at work a woman can do everything. And, how can we forget she has the power to give birth.

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