The Bollywood and Media war intensifies

The war between the biggies of Bollywood and media houses is taking a bitter turn as both of them are accusing each other for malpractices. Just a day back 34 big production houses And 4 cinema unions have slapped a case against two of the big media houses and it’s anchors. The legal team of Bollywood’s 38 entities have further clarified on the matter.
It says, ‘Our clients, the trade associations and production houses of the Hindi film industry which have filed a suit before the Hon’ble Delhi High Court on October 12, 2020 against certain named television news channels and digital media platforms seeking injunctive relief as stated therein clarify that the suit is not just seeking orders against the channels and platforms named in the suit, but also against unnamed defendants referred to as John Doe/ Ashok Kumar. This means that any orders passed in favour of the plaintiffs would apply to all television channels and content on digital platforms which may be found violating such orders. Our clients have also come across some others publishing such content and will be adding certain specific additional defendants to the suit. Our clients also wish to clarify that as specifically stated in the plaint they are not seeking a blanket gag order against media reportage of investigation of cases, as our clients find is being erroneously reported.

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