‘These’ Tele-Celebs feel that social media is addictive!


Regardless of #age, we are becoming too #dependent on our #mobilephones. Most of us are #takingphotos, #shootingreels and #videos anytime, anywhere. Even a meal prompts many to start #recordingvideos or #clickingsnaps. People sharing #selfies taken in restrooms and #movietheatres are common. Even when they meet a #friend or a #relative, instead of engaging in a #conversation, many are caught being busy on their phones. And, most of this is justified as fun. #Socialmedia and #technology are like addictions for us. As a #generation, we are being driven by something that has no meaning in the larger scheme of things. #Celebrities talk about it:

Aniruddh Dave : Social networking and social media platforms have given us so much freedom. Today an infant to an 85-year-old is trending online. Age is not a barrier, and older people are also into it as they feel young and are able to live at the moment. Small kids can’t walk or speak but their parents are trying to make them famous on social media. People are posting everything, including their daily activities and it’s their choice. Today it’s a daily routine of around 65 percent of people that have to post something on social media. They put out the content and think that other people are following that. I have never been like this, if something important happens, then only I post. Neither I am a party animal nor do I post a lot of pictures. Many people tell me that you have to be active on social media but yes I am active on twitter and put things related to science, politics, technology, films and music. I love reading good quotes. I follow the top scientists, inventors and journalists, UPSC toppers etc. My choice in terms of social networking is different. I am not against those who put their everyday routine on social media as it’s their choice. I love writing and reading quotes and real spiritual things. I promote the Hindi language. Posting pictures on social media is not a trend but has become a religion.

Charrul Malik : We are not dependent, but are completely submerged in it. It has become such an important part of our life that it gets irritating in some situations. Where I am shooting I have a bunch of friends who make reels because they are used to coming in front of the cameras every day. All actors love doing the same but when it comes to our parents or the people who are not from our industry, or who are not comfortable shooting, it gets very irritating. I always strike a balance and keep my personal life private. When I go for family dinners, I don’t shoot anything and put it out there because it’s my personal time with my family but when you are in a social vicinity you generate content for your Instagram. We are so much dependent on taking selfies and shooting reels and videos all the time especially during the dinner and lunch times that it gets annoying. There is a way to do it because if I am a pro and others are not then we should avoid doing all this. When we are in a situation where people are okay with making videos and taking pictures there we can do it because people are happy. We should not annoy anybody and take people for granted. Honestly, we all are taken up by something that has no meaning, it’s only just to fill up our social media calling it that we are generating content. Excess of everything is bad and too much exposure at times is not really taken in a good light. On today’s date you have to strike a balance.

Mitaali Nag : Social media has a huge significance in almost everyone’s life these days. Being active on social media has become a part of everyone’s profession. In fact social media by itself has generated great opportunities to make money. Yes I do agree that most of the younger generation these days are social media driven and they wanna capture each and every minute of their lives. If you look at the positive side to it, something that has no meaning to a few has become a source of livelihood for a lot of people out there. I feel that though social media is big and in a way a very easy way to keep connected we should not totally let go of the organic way of connection and enjoy the moment raw. I always try to keep a balance. There are times where I keep my phone in my bag and just enjoy the moment and the company I am with. However, I try my best to film every moment that is precious to me and I wanna revisit and share it as reel or videos if I want my fans and friends to be a part of it too.

Navin Prabhakar : Nature’s rule is to keep changing, so the tech dependent percent of every expectation is beyond belief. I think in the coming times people will download the kids, technically there is no need for marriage and love and JIO will launch a package for it too. Jokes apart I think people who are depending on social media will get frustrated. At a point there will be emotionless flow of routine and when you miss the emotion there is no meaning in life. I think mobile phones, WIFI and selfies are not important then our sheer happiness, friends and families are sources of our power and energy to live which give us mental peace. A tech break is so important in a day or in a week that it’s a must for every one of us.

Sudhanshu Pandey : Technology is meant to enhance our life as it is part of human evolution. It is meant to provide us conveniences in terms of payments, reaching out to people and a lot of other things. It’s a double-edged sword and there is always a flip side to it. While it makes things convenient for you it also makes you dependent on it so we need to strike a balance where we don’t become dependent because then it starts to ruin our lives. Social media is ruining our lives and invading our privacy. People document everything in their lives on a daily basis, whether they go to a restaurant or washrooms. There is nothing personal left and it’s a dark age. On one hand people in the west who are moving towards spirituality and yoga take you away from all this hustle and make you realise that spirituality is one of the most important parts of our lives if you want to live a healthy life mentally and physically. But India, where spirituality and yoga are born, we need to create a lot more awareness about these things so that we can save our generation as there would be nothing left very soon.

Ankur Nayyar : We are not enjoying life at the moment. We are busy creating memories for the future and we never have time to look at those pictures and cherish them. We are missing out on having a hearty laughter when we meet our old friends, and are busy clicking pictures, even when we are travelling and we are just clicking pictures as it becomes a compulsion as everything these days is judged by the likes and number of followers you have no matter how good your content is. You may be a fabulous actor but if you don’t have likes you are not a good actor. Your product may be extremely good like if you are in a bakery but if you don’t get likes then it’s not good enough. We all are forced to put any kind of content on social media as somewhere or the other we have all become hungry for the eye balls. We have to keep putting content and it’s all about networking and the number of people you meet you have to tag them and that’s how the followers are going to increase. I feel that we miss out on the fun. Gone are the days when I am doing something because I love doing it and now you do something because people will like to see you doing it, will like to see your pictures. Today you will do whatever to get those likes. I remember my college days and so much we used to laugh and have fun and that was like living in the moment. I miss those days, even the present generation too are missing them because they are just busy with technology.

Sumit Kaul : I believe excessive use of the phone is nothing but an addiction and an example of compulsive behaviour. However it has nothing to do with smartphones. That’s just technology, which is meant to make our lives easier. The problem is our inability to handle this amazing technology consciously and rather be controlled by it.

Nikhil Nanda : Phones have overtaken our general lives which is very negative. As a family we have made a rule that we all will have one meal together and whichever meals we will have we would keep our phones aside on silent and nobody is allowed to check. Similarly when I meet my friend’s we keep the phones aside. Of course it’s difficult but the detoxification from the phones is also necessary on a monthly basis. We should have a day off from our mobiles also. I have not been able to do that yet but have started working towards it. The human touch and the warmth you share as friends and families is lost somewhere if you are stuck on your phones.