Want to have a glowing skin? Tele-Celebs give tips

The novel Coronavirus and the consequent lockdown undoubtedly took a toll on our mental health. And since most of us are working from home, our daily routines have gone haywire. No fixed meals, junk food, and whatnot have not just affected our physical health but our skin too. But with the onset of the festive season, it’s important to rejuvenate your skin for that healthy glow. So here are some celeb-approved skincare tips, which you can easily put to use while working or prepping your house for the festivities.

Meera Deosthale: My favourite home ingredients are curd, turmeric, coffee, and honey. I usually follow this skincare regime once a week. I scrub my face with coffee and honey scrub. This reduces dullness and redness. Then I apply a pack of curd and turmeric on my face which moisturises my skin and gives it a natural glow. For my hair, I make a mask with egg, curd, and lemon, and leave it for half an hour. It conditions and moisturises my hair. As a kid, my mom used to do all of these things and I used to hate it because my hair used to stink later, but I have really strong hair because of those times and I am thankful to mom.

Sucheeta Trivedi: I use fruits peels with honey as a scrub for my face whenever my face feels dull. It softens and brightens my skin. I also wash my face with milk. It cleanses my skin of excess oils and dirt which clog pores to form acne.

Vikas Sethi: I am lucky to be blessed with beautiful skin thanks to my genes. I do turn to face masks occasionally. But fundamentally I believe good skin is a product of a healthy mind and a healthy body.

Avinash Mukherjee: I don’t follow much of a skincare routine, what I do on regular basis is simply wash my face with a face wash and I use a water spray to clean it because when you wash your face there should be a force so that it enters your pores and clears the dirt and impurities. Another thing I do is I take steam weekly, which is very good for the skin, and also during this COVID times, it keeps the lungs clean. I sometimes apply Multani mitti or a charcoal face mask or honey on my face. You should always apply night cream to moisturise your skin before going to bed but before putting it on apply two drops of glycerin as it gives you smooth and lively skin.

Angad Hasija: I feel caring for your skin and hair is very important but honestly I have never got a facial done because I feel it’s a very boring thing to do. As far as taking care of my skin is concerned my mother asks me to apply honey and banana. If I am free then my mother or wife prepares a face pack for me with turmeric, honey, and gram flour. But what helps me the most is I drink water with honey and lemon, it keeps my skin hydrated.

Urvashi Upadhyay Sharle: When I think about skin care the only thing that comes to my mind is ‘uptan’, it is traditionally made of curd, honey, turmeric, and gram flour, but my mother also used to make seasonal uptan for me. She always asked me to apply the peels of the fruits that I eat directly on my face. I still use it and it helps my skin to glow.

Suraj Kakkar: For my daily skincare routine I am a little bit old school kind of a guy, so the first thing I do is I take a shower it makes me feel fresh then I start with 10-15 Suryanamaskars, it is great for your flexibility. After that I do Pranayama, I got this habit from my dad as he is doing it for more than 25 years. Being an actor, it is a great exercise to work on your breathing pattern. It also benefits your skin tones. After that, I go for a shower again and if I am not shooting the I will apply some beardo oil on my scalp and massage, I apply moisturiser. I need to take steam once in a week for blackheads and for a mask I apply a beardo mask.

Delnaaz Irani: I wash my face regularly, and continuously apply ice on the face post makeup. The only secret I have is I put a lot of ice pre and post makeup on my face, it makes the skin look very tight and nice.

Aishwarya Sharma:I use a face pack which is my own invention. I sun-dried some orange peel and made a powder of it. Now, whenever I feel that my skin is looking dull, I mix that powder with  lemon, honey, coffee and turmeric. It gives me an awesome glow and a healthy skin.

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