

Owing to the pandemic, the question on everyone’s lips was, will Runa Farah Das launch her annual calendar THE ILLUSIONER. With the arrival of New Year, it became increasingly obvious that the answer to the question is clearly “yes”.

Peppered with the sensuous flavors of glamour and trendy styles, it has brought visibility and laurels to many well-known faces in the industry who stand behind the camera in order to make THE ILLUSIONER, most desirable property of the year.

Before the official launch, let’s first introduce ourselves to the core team of the calendar.

Runa Farah Das of Getarty Productions, proud owner, curator and conceptualiser of the calender, acing the glam game featuring the best artist and themes every year.

Award winning photographer and filmmaker Amit Khanna who is the sole holder of the prestigious Dadasaheb Phalke Excellence Award in the field of fashion photography.

Designer Vishal Thawani of Dapper & Dare defines his clothes as fashionable not quintessential, they are about being more human and manly without falling into a stereotypical genre.The mission of his brand D&D (DAPPER & DARE) is to alter dramatically the world of fashion and nurture and cater to men from all walks of life with different ideologies and goals.

Behind every impeccable look, there is a fashion stylist glamming the celebrities and models for the big game, Victor Robinson and Sohail Mudgal are the captains of this ship. Their love for sartorial fashion , speaks for their choice of silhouettes and colours. Their curated looks are well rounded with unconventional elements in terms of outfits, accessories and shoes. Both the stylists have delivered some of their best looks in this year’s edition of THE ILLUSIONER.

Do you ever wonder who are these magicians behind the scenes who make these celebrities look oh-so-perfect. Well, Rishab Khanna, an elite name in the beauty and makeup industry, he is probably on every A lister celebrity’s speed dial list. Along with him Sahil Anand Arora, Priya Yolmo Bhatia, Anshu Gautam, Karan Hair Makeup Academy are certainly responsible for making these celebrities and models look their best.

While Vinay Potdar has shot the behind the scenes of the calendar, Abhay Singh of Digital Beej takes care of the social media. Durgesh Karkal of DS Media represents India’s biggest and the best models, their success till date is unparalleled.

Kreate & Young, associated as the Creative Agency to develop THE ILLUSIONER as one of the most anticipated properties, Parul Chawla for the Public Relations, Jak Printers as the printing partner and Shubham Pawar as the assistant coordinator, Mulk as the gourmet partner, leaders in the field of royal mughlai experience.

Looking forward to the official launch of the calendar in 2021. New celebrities in their glam best, certainly can’t keep calm.

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