Young tele-actors share views on ‘National Youth Day

Young tele-actors share views on ‘National Youth Day’!

National Youth Day is observed on January 12, and we spoke to a few celebs about the role of the youth of India to take our country ahead on the world map, here’s what they had to say:

Abhinandan Jindal: First youth needs to understand their powers and potential plus how much they can contribute to national growth. I am not against any source of entertainment but when I see today’s youth is totally involved in TikTok and PubG, I think these people should not talk about dipping economy and unemployment. I am happy these applications are banned. What is important is that youth should focus on work and career.
Mohit Daga: To me, the younger lot needs to stop copying and trying to imitate or strive to be like the “west”, we need originals, a lot of individuality is what we need. Taking inspiration is alright but sticking to one’s cultural roots is a mix of hard work and smart work and also a smart way to use the internet (social media branding) would help them. The youth should be the flesh and older generations the bone, I think younger people should come forward to form organizations, profit and non-profit, and politicians should have young researchers to be updated with the trends. Covid-19 has changed our attitude and perceptions about life.
Sidharrth Sipani: We are a developing country with a large youth population. More than half of our population is of the working age. Why can’t more youth be motivated to consider politics right from the school itself. Strengthen their belief in democracy. Not just aspire for a white-collar job in foreign countries for that enough jobs need to be made available. Currently, we are facing a lot of challenges. The youth has the ability to bring a change and stop the violence. Yes, of course, they need support at a family level, society level, and national level, they can shine, but only through the support of the government.
Kettan Singh: The youth has to be aware of what is going on in the country, they should be goal-oriented. Life and time are both precious and they need to understand that. Technology is for us, we are not for technology, so youth is wasting time on technology in the form of internet surfing and WhatsApp chatting even when it is not needed. Youth should understand their power and be responsible.
Jasmin Bhasin: Youth has the power in any nation. They need to understand their power and exercise their rights to utilize resources. They need to be sorted about what they want and they should contribute to the society and country, just cribbing and complaining about what is not right doesn’t work. The result-oriented approach is the necessity. Pendamic has changed our perspectives too.
Mrunal Jain: Youth needs to take an active interest in the all-round development and progress of the society and the nation. They should have positive approach towards democracy, society and the world. They should also contribute to create new job opportunities, and youth shouldn’t be obsessed with the idea of shifting abroad for the career. There are enough opportunities for talented people in India too. Youth should learn to love pets. Pets can teach you what unconditional love is all about.

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