Zahra Hasanaat Mazaar-e-Qutbi Welfare Center helps social causes!

#DawoodiBohraCommunity, #SyednaTaherFakhruddinSaheb center’s facilities and services are open to all irrespective of caste and creed. This manifests Syedna Saheb’s philosophy that societies should strive to be open and inclusive. #SyednaSaheb emphasises the need to restore the tradition of mutual respect and fellowship with other religious communities and engage in enhancing the social welfare of fellow human beings. Syedna Saheb encourages his community to be helpful to all God’s children.

Below is a summary of the activities at the Zahra Hasanaat Mazaar-e-Qutbi Welfare Center:
1. Food: 167,000 meals served till date; ration distribution
a. Women, Men and children from all walks of lives are welcomed every day irrespective of their religion or socio-economic status with the sole intention that whoever comes to Syedna Qutbuddin’s Mazaar should be satiated. With this intention more than 300 meals are served daily.
b. Ration is distributed twice a month to families in need.
2. Education: 236+ scholarships disbursed, 45% women and girls; sewing classes; tuitions for children; library; teacher’s excellence award
a. Scholarships for primary education and higher education granted based on financial need, academic merit and commitment to community service. Syedna Qutbuddin in his address to the President of India emphasized the importance of good character and education, a foundation of values and a quality education are both equally important in achieving success. ⅓ higher education scholarships at minimum are earmarked for women.
b. Syedna Taher Fakhruddin Teacher’s Excellence Award is given to teachers of exceptional dedication and passion.
c. Also, local schools are granted aid for special projects and resources such as projectors, smart boards etc.
d. Skills development programs included (sewing classes for women, English classes, computer classes, and other vocational training such as beautician, carpenter) will also begin at the center.
e. A community library is under planning to be open to the community so that all can borrow books and benefit from access to reading material and gain literacy skills.
f. Children study room and tuition support available

3. Financial Inclusion and Stability: 1000 applications processed, 95% small loans repaid
a. A committee evaluates applications for small interest free loans for those looking to expand their small business.
b. It also helps with career placement, and mentoring and counseling to those who require assistance.
c. Workshops and education sessions for those wishing to avail of government schemes are regularly scheduled to educate and facilitate enrollment in government subsidized insurance policies (accident, life etc).

4. Interfaith: Members from over 50 cities and 10 countries
a. The Taqreeb Interfaith Initiative aims to find and build common ground on which positive relationships can build. First academic conference in Calcutta University and second at Jawaharlal Nehru University.
b. Other conferences and talks are in planning to encourage interfaith harmony and dialogue.
c. His Holiness Syedna Taher Fakhruddin also opened the dargah of Raudat-un-Noor for guided tours for all to foster communal harmony and promote inter-cultural dialogue.
d. The Syedna Khuzaima Qutbuddin Harmony Prize is awarded to individuals or organizations for outstanding contributions towards communal peace and harmony.

5. Medical: Subsidized Health Insurance & Health Workshops
a. Financial grants for emergencies,
b. Consultations for health concerns with recognized specialists and doctors
c. Enrollment and subsidies for health insurance through the Taheri Health Initiative. Support in follow up for claims etc.
d. Health education workshops for cholesterol, diabetes, cancer screening, liver health, and more
e. Eye checkups, dental checkups and women’s health camps