Zee Talkies’ initiative to fight Corona with Shivaji Maharaj’s teachings

The whole of Maharashtra was once buzzing with the slogan ‘Jai Bhavani Jai Shivaji’. Even today, the Maratha King Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj is famous all over the world. Today, Maharashtra stands tall because of the ‘Mavlas” (Shivaji Mahjaraj’s warrior army) who never cared about their own lives at the behest of and of course because of the brave King. No matter how strong the enemy is, it can be defeated with patience and restraint. Maharashtra has never forgotten the teachings of the Maharaja and that is the reason Maharashtra is facing the pandemic like Corona with courage and bravado. Praising courage of this warrior king, Zee Talkies has brought an inspiring video for its viewers to explain the importance of Shivaji Maharaj’s teachings. This video currently is talk of the town.
The whole world is currently battling the pandemic of corona virus. In this, doctors, police, janitors in the form of cleaners are bravely fighting and not letting the enemy win. But we will win this battle only if our fight is accompanied by our patience and understanding. In the times to come, we will all fight a different battle on social, emotional and economic levels and overcome this crisis by fighting it bravely. This battle will be more a test of your patience than bravery. We have to be careful and take care of each other at every moment. This inspiring video reminiscent of Shivaji Maharaj’s teachings to overcome this difficult time is being aired on Zee Talkies channel as well as Zee Talkies social media.
The Zee Talkies team hopes that this message will surely lift morale of all viewers and further strengthen their resolve to face the crisis.

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