Page 4 - CineBuster Vol-3 Issue-04
P. 4

                            Ronnie K Rodrigues                                 Ramesh Rao

                               DIRECTORS                                     DISTRIBUTORS
                            Cindrella Alphonso                                  M/s. PBC
                             Preeti Rodrigues
                             Dennis Rodrigues                            PHOTOgRAPHER IN CHIEF
                             Naresh Chouhan                                   Ramakant Munde

                            FINANCE DIRECTOR                        FOR EDITORIAL FEEDBACK KINDLY mAIL
                            Cindrella Alphonso                    
                                                                        or call on: 022-26607561 / 563
                            mANAgINg EDITOR                            022-26604058 / 022-26618999
                            Ronnie K Rodrigues
                                                                        PRINTED AND PUBLISHED BY
                            ASSISTANT EDITOR                               Ronnie K Rodrigues for
                               Nisha Verma                              Cinebuster Magazine Pvt. Ltd.
                                                                             25 & 26, 5th floor,
                             ART DIRECTOR                                Dheeraj Heritge, S.V. Road,
                             Viral Shrimankar                         Santacruz (West),  Mumbai - 400054

                            LAYOUT DESIgNER                      All right reserved. Reproduction or interpretation of
                              Ashwin Aklaria                      any matter published in this magazine, in part or
                                                                  whole, or in any language or format, without the
                        CONTRIBUTINg COLUmNISTS                 prior permission of the publisher, is strictly prohibited
                              Keerti Kadam                        and will be liable for legal action, and cost and
                            Vijay Shanker Nayar                            consequences thereof.

                            TRAINEE INTERNS                            R.N.I. No.: MAHENG/2017/71375
                              Madiha Shaikh                          REG: R.N.I. MAHENG13/201/2017-R-2

                     PHOTO EDITOR & DIgITAL CREATIvE                      Published and distributed
                              Ashwin Aklaria                       The Printer/Publisher/Managing Editor are not
                                                                 responsible for any opinions/facts/collections by
                           FASHION & CREATIvE                    contributors in Cinebuster Magazine. It is the sole
                             Viral Shrimankar                            responsibility of the authors.
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